Meet Sharad Verma- #IndiaHRLIVEwriters


Sharad Verma is the head of Talent Engagement and Development for SunGard Global Technology, supporting more than 3,000 employees in the company’s Global Solution Centers in India, Shanghai and Tunisia. A post graduate from the prestigious XLRI, Sharad has served as Head of HR for Berkadia (a subsidiary of Berkashire Hathaway),, and  BNY Mellon. Read his blog here. Connect with him on LinkedIn, Facebook and on twitter at @iSharad

Watch his recent talk with us on Gamification and Employee Engagement  &  Read more about it here

Q&A with Sharad!

Ok, have seen this face on Social Media, but let’s get to know the person a little bit!

What makes you who you are as a person.
What makes me who I am is my passion for certain things:
Research, knowledge sharing and writing on topics that are both interesting and important
Ability to think about things at a deeper level and find unseen angles
Strive to find a meaning in life and to share that experience
Inclination to spot what is unique in others and to help them achieve their potential

Fill us in your title, company and what you do for a living.
Senior Director, Human Resources, SunGard Global Technology
I manage Talent Engagement and Development for SunGard’s Global Solutions Centers, supporting more than 3,000 employees on Talent issues in India, Shanghai and Tunisia regions

What’s your game plan with India HR LIVE, why you do what you do here! –
My goal with HR LIVE is to share my expertise and to learn from others on relevant topics within HR.

Enough of the serious stuff! Let’s move to something fun & personal about you!

What are your favorite movies and why!
I like Rohit Shetty movies for their entertainment value!

What’ the one lame thing you are excited about!
I am always excited about Formula One races on Sundays even though my family thinks it is a waste of time with drive going round in circles endlessly!

Share something that you feel is awkward and interesting about you –
I am a big dreamer and find myself drifting off when in the middle of traffic of conference calls

Name the book you read recently and why do you think our readers should check it out.
I loved reading “Search Inside Yourself” by Chade Meng Tan

Name your favorite gadget that you can’t live without.
That would be my iPad 2

What do you love & hate about HR.
I love the ability to make a difference in the lives/careers of employees through policies, training, coaching and advocacy. There is nothing that I hate about HR.



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