LIVE talk on the Use of Analytics to drive learning in corporates

In life and that is applicable to our work life as well, we tend to react once we have a problem on hand. There would have been symptoms or indications that all is not well. Being aware of and recording the symptoms which is probably the equivalent of data collection is fundamental for any organisation that wants to take decisions based on data. Coming to a learning perspective, many platforms provide data and analytics for learning on that platform.

But does learning happen only during these formal learning sessions?
What happens to the learning that happens outside the formal learning sessions and that is substantial?

There is constant learning and people learn during discussions, during work, while accessing material outside learning sessions and through various means. These activities need to be recorded, analyzed and the output needs to be provided for effective decision making. Great insights can be provided to the top management through a unified analytics platform that should take into account the continuous learning that happens throughout an employee’s life-cycle and not just during formal learning sessions.

Join us, while we discuss the Use of Analytics to drive learning in corporates with our honored guests  Arvind ThothadriBusiness Head at Excelsoft Technologies Pvt. Ltd and Nishith Prabhakar, Senior Architect and Head of Technology at Excelsoft Technologies Pvt. Ltd on Nov 19th, Tuesday at 8PM IST / 8.30 CST / 9.30 EST.

Meet Arvind Thothadri

Arvind is a post-graduate from Indian Institute of Management after having secured a degree in engineering. He is a Business Leader with over 18 years of experience spanning across multiple sectors and geographies. He started his career in the FMCG and trading sectors including companies like RPG and GE before his interests in use of Technology to improve Learning drew him towards this field. For the past few years he has devoted himself to various aspects of evangelizing technology solutions for assessments, learning and education.

He holds a senior position with Excelsoft Technologies Pvt Ltd, a leading e-learning solutions company headquartered in India. He owns a strategic business mandate within Excelsoft to push the technology envelope within the Indian corporate and higher education systems. In this role he has had to study the complex Indian landscape and crafted solutions to tap this vast but nascent market. He also spearheads Excelsoft’s efforts to work with other established geographies in addition to opening markets in emerging African nations. Arvind has successfully showcased solutions that have demonstrated the benefits of technology in learning and education to all the stake holders. Follow him on twitter at @tarvind

Meet Nishith Prabhakar

Nishith has over 10 years of experience leading technology projects in various domains like Aviation, Education, Finance, Genetics, Healthcare, Media, Retail, and Telecom. Still a programmer at heart, Nishith is currently leading some of the large e-Learning projects at Excelsoft, while also building the next generation products around Learning Analytics, Reporting and BigData.

Nishith started a self-sustaining Technology Services and Software Product Outsourcing company along with 3 other founding partners in 2003. Grew the company from a size of 4 to 50 team members, with 3 business subsidiaries (USA, Singapore, India) in 5 years, before being acquired by Excelsoft Technology Pvt Ltd in 2009. Nishith holds a degree in Computer Engineering from the Nanyang Technological University at Singapore.

Nishith spends his free time with his 2-year old daughter, or going for long distances runs. Follow him on twitter at @nprabhakar

Join us while we discuss!

Do you have any questions for our guests, hit the hashtag #IndiaHRLIVE during the LIVE show!!

Where can you watch the LIVE show?
You can watch the LIVE show at our website Home Page or at our Youtube
channel during the scheduled time


1 Comment

  1. Excelonz says:

    Peoples are not learning from schools and colleges only, they are learning from discussion,during his and her work, while accessing material outside learning sessions.

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