This is our last post on our ongoing series Your thoughts, our blog and today we are going to share what some HR and industry practitioners think about the topic.
What makes a great candidate experience and why it matters? Let’s hear from experts
What a candidate takes away during the process makes him/her evaluate and presume a lot about the organization. First conversation, pitch, wait time, subsequent communication and even how a candidate is greeted and treated at reception seem like small pieces but they together make up a candidate experience. Recruiter has the ability to bring theses all together. – Rakshita Dwivedi, @Raks_d
Candidate, Customer, Vendor experience is a cultural outreach of the organization. Simply keeping candidate informed about interviews and the changes can go long way. – Shamik Vohra, @shamikv
Each interaction with candidate goes a long way in providing good candidate experience. Treat them as humans not numbers , keep them informed, respect their time and interest in your organization at every stage of the hiring process. Take care of basics for an overall good candidate experience. Once they are onboarded the responsibility increases further till they get assimilated into your organization. And untill they enter Employee Lifecycle. – Ruchi Bhatia, @rucsb
Very few recruiter share the bad news, I admire one such recruiter who was always in touch and would say “we still have some positions and I am sure we will work it out” gives a soothing comforting feeling. I rejected his client offer but he values me just like all his candidates. – Brillian, @brilliansk
The opinions and experiences shared here are taken from a discussion on WOWHR. Thanks to Ruchi Bhatia (co-founder WOWHR) for her consensus and cooperation in brings it together here.
Thanks a lot for sharing the information from these experts. Would like to take part in these discussions regularly and gain from them
Nice article and experience . Is it that the future of HR is that of holistic approach with professional touch.