Three mistakes of a Job Hunt!!

Hunt itself is a word which makes any job difficult. Now it’s neither easy for a recruiter to get to the right talent and nor the otherwise. Gone are the days when one would update resume on a popular job portal and walk out of the organization with three to four offers in hand. As organizations have become choosy and selective in hiring, job search is no more a cake walk.

A hunt is only successful if it leads to your dream job but sometimes it takes so much time that one needs to settle for a profile which might not be the preferred one. Apart from patience and perseverance there is much more towards an effective job search

Don’t just be any applicant!! Imagine your resume getting lost in the pile of 1000s of the like and considering that a recruiter still is a human you have more chances of missing out the consideration set slot, by all means. So how about making a crisp resume which talks straight about your skills to offer and a highly pointed format making it appealing without loss of relevancy. A well drafted and summarized cover letter can definitely serve as an icing on the cake. A cover letter is still not very common practice though is mostly advised but probably job seekers have to be little more agile to get that first interview call.

Another common mistake which can be very annoying for a recruiter is to receive irrelevant resumes. Imagine a plight of a recruiter who has to screen 100s of online resume everyday to get one right fit and that too if it’s flooded with one which are not even close to what is asked for, some good one too might get a miss. Reading the job description and applying for the right job increases the success ratio for both the parties. Applying for any job will make you set wrong expectations and in return one might lose the right opportunity where timely focus would have churned out better results.

It’s time to understand that sending an offline or online application is just one part of a job search but there is lot beyond that too. It’s an era of networking and times have come to get out of the comfort zone and start engaging to the next level. Social media has been a boon and likes of LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter has made connecting much more seamless and easier. Networking is a gradual process of enhancing ones bond with the fraternity and also helps a lot in exploring career avenues. Networking with the recruiters will help establish a connect and also allows you to showcase you skills in a much better manner than a two pager would do.

There is no full proof solution to a job search, what clicks for one might not suit the other. However industry, profile, location and experience too are important factors which lead to changes. Still under any circumstances the top three mistakes should be avoided and that for sure can lead you to the path of success.

Happy job hunting, my friend!!

RakshitaRakshita Dwivedi comes with around six years of varied HR experience with MNC’s and Startups. Currently she is associated with plugHR. Mathematics has always made data analytics one of her favorites which later shaped in the form of interest for technology and social media applications. She has always believed that HR is about stepping in employer’s shoes while still being an employee and indeed such challenging task is worthy of all the efforts put in to strike the right balance. Writing is her passion which helps her connect with a wider audience and makes her write for plugHR . In the past she has written for Fleximoms and Avatar too. Read her blog here. Connect with her on LinkedInFacebook & on twitter at@rak_d.



  1. Sudhanshu kumar says:

    Very well written article , great going !

  2. Jaspreet says:

    Nice write up!

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